What you can expect from us and what we expect from you
Let's work together to create a safe salon environment
We have a robust plan in place to ensure we keep our clients and ourselves safe in the period where we are able to remain open during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our safety measures will be regularly updated to reflect any changes in government guidelines. We will be displaying our safety standards in the salon as well as on this page - please see below.
Pre-treatment online medical form
We ask all clients to complete a secure online medical form before their appointment and to comply with our Covid-19 policy.
If you are experiencing any of the following Covid-19 symptoms please postpone your appointment by a minimum of two weeks:
a high temperature
a new, continuous cough
a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Presenting Covid-19 symptoms or been in contact with someone with symptoms?
We also ask clients who start presenting symptoms after a treatment at Rest to contact us immediately so we can take the necessary measures to keep everyone safe.
If you have been in contact with anyone presenting symptoms, please postpone your appointment for a minimum two weeks.
Minimum overlap between clients
We will be staggering our working hours and appointment times for clients to ensure minimum overlap and prevent clients coming into contact with one another.
Booking by appointment only
We will be taking bookings by appointment only and ask clients to come alone where possible.
Waiting area
We are closing the client waiting area and asking clients to wait outside the shop (weather permitting). We ask clients to arrive on time, and no more than 5 minutes early.
Sanitised surfaces
We will be allowing 15 minutes between clients to sanitise surfaces and door handles and reduce client to client contact.
Masks and gloves – let’s keep each other safe
We will be wearing masks (always) and gloves (where possible). Please note that it is once again mandatory to wear face masks during your visit at Rest, unless you are exempt.
Sanitising station
We have a hand sanitising station at the door of the salon and ask all clients to sanitise their hands on entering the salon.
Clean couch - always
We use clean couch covers for each client and wash our hands before and after each client.
Wipeable coverings
We cover pillows with wipe-clean pillowcases and we have removed cotton couch head rest coverings so the couch head rest can be easily cleaned.
Clean air
We will be ventilating the treatment room between clients. We have an air purifier with built in UV light sanitiser to help reduce airborne viruses and bacteria.
Safe waste disposal
We have replacing open bins for bins with covered lids.
Please bring your own water
We ask clients to bring their own water, to help us reduce contact during this pandemic.
Both Ruth and Marta have completed the following courses:
Infection Prevention and Control for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Certificate - WHO Health Emergencies Programme 2020
Hygiene in the Workplace/Salon Certificate Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Beauty Industry Approval 2020