I love nothing more than doing hair removal treatments for clients because you can see results straight away. By results, I mean the relief of having unwanted hair removed by someone who knows how to do it in the most efficient and painless way. I hear a lot of stories about ‘DIY-waxing gone wrong’!
If you love hair sprouting from various parts of your body - great. It’s a personal choice. But some people don’t want hair on certain parts of their body for different reasons and it can have a big impact on their confidence and daily lives. I love helping people to feel better - so just hand me a wax strip, some thread or a pair of tweezers and we’re on our way!
It's so important for me that all my clients feel comfortable with me. As a beautician, I absolutely love the special contact I create with people and the fun giggles we have along the way. I am also fascinated with improving my waxing and threading skills and knowledge. It’s amazing just how much I learn from each client.
History of body hair removal
During my training as a waxing therapist, I remember gasping when I learned about hair removal and grooming methods throughout history, way before the technologies of today!
This article from Refinery29 sums it up in a fun historical slideshow:
Waxing in pregnancy
During pregnancy, hormonal changes can increase hair growth and some women find that the hair on their head gets thicker and also some find that their body hair thickens or appears in areas it didn’t before pregnancy.
For those that choose to remove unwanted body hair in pregnancy, as the bump grows, it becomes difficult to reach lower-body areas so the DIY option becomes impossible at times.
I love doing massage and beauty treatments for pregnant clients because we usually chat about baby stuff and I get to reminisce about my daughters and those baby memories!
As with anything in pregnancy - if you are considering beauty treatments at home or at a salon - make sure you are informed about benefits and risks.
Here’s an interesting article from Healthline on this topic:
Waxing for men
For my male clients I predominantly use strip wax and aim for a thorough and efficient treatment. I adjust my technique for each client and at times I use hot wax, depending on the area being treated. The hot wax shrink-wraps around each hair, which results in less breakage and more comfort.
This article from Men’s Health may be of interest if you are exploring waxing for the first time:
Pop in for a free consultation
Our door at Rest Massage & Beauty is always open if you’d like to pop in for a free consultation about hair removal, other beauty treatments or massage therapy.